A Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Organization
Our Successful Adoptions
Badger Mina Mr. Fritz Misha
Badger Mina Mr. Fritz Misha
Copyright ©  2008-2025  All Rights Reserved SFRA is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
and is NOT associated with any other
Cincinnati-based rescue organization.

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Delta DeeDee Sarge Duke
Delta DeeDee Sarge Duke
Millie Gleason Ivan Rosabella
Millie Gleason Ivan Rosabella
Jeanne, Miss Blue, Levi Dani Lupin Liesl
Jeanne, Miss Blue, Levi Dani Lupin Liesl
Rilee4 Rilee1 Rilee3
June 2009

Rilee came to us at 7 weeks old.  A behaviorist had told the owner that she should be put down because she was of bad temperament.  We took her in from the owner and after she was old enough to be spayed we did that and found her a home with a former adopter. 
Here she is all grown up!!!
Remyington Arnie Rascal Baker
Remyington Arnie Rascal Baker
Roadie Yoda Bear Magnum
Roadie Yoda Bear Magnum
Krypto Dusty Miller Ripley
Krypto Dusty Miller Ripley
December 2009

Our Lizzy, now Libee Lyn has settled into her new home and family.  We are getting regular updates on this extra-special baby:  Lizzy is one of the reasons everyone at SFRA keeps on doing rescue--one precious life at a time.  Thanks to the many who helped financially with Lizzy's surgery and after care and to those who emailed and asked all through her recovery how she was doing.  You can read just how she is below, from her new family:

"After only a week she is so much a part of this home. She is so bright. Each day seems to be a new day to see what is going on in the world. Lacey and Hanna Jo accepted her right away. So neat to watch them. A dog with a personality too. After a day with her you forget about her bottom. She seems to know when it is not right, but goes on any way. I can't remember how I ever got my house work done with out her help. HA HA.  She likes to cuddle, lay on her back next to me to have her belly rubbed, so what else could I want?  I couldn't suggest any stronger about adopting a rescue Schnauzer. I really think I needed her as much as she needed me........... "

~Read Lizzy's Rescue and Success Story~
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