A Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Organization
Copyright ©  2008-2025  All Rights Reserved SFRA is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
and is NOT associated with any other
Cincinnati-based rescue organization.

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Website to the Rescue
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Our Successful Adoptions
Dallas Denver Deetrick Dewey Lee
Dallas Denver Deetrick Dewey Lee
Doc Dolly Domino
Doc Dolly Domino
Donnie Donovan Doogie Drake
Donnie Donovan Doogie Drake
DTric Dude Duffy Duncan
DTric Dude Duffy Duncan
Dusty Dutchess Eddie Esmerelda
Dusty Dutchess Eddie Esmerelda
Essie Felix Fergus Finnegan
Essie Felix Fergus Finnegan
Fiona Frankie Freddie Fritz Gabby
Fiona Frankie Freddie Fritz Gabby
George and Thelma Grady Gretal Gunner
George and Thelma Grady Gretal Gunner
Gus Hannah Haven Hobbs
Gus Hannah Haven Hobbs
Holly 1 Holly 2 Jackson2 Jerry
Holly 1 Holly 2 Jackson2 Jerry
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