The Rainbow Bridge
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
Author unknown...
Andy |
Andy |
Barron Von Belly Rub |
Black Jack |
Casey |
Casey Papa |
Chaney |
Dixie |
Dutchess |
Gizmo |
Gizmo |
Joy |
Molly |
Nick |
Nikki |
Pursell |
RD |
Robbie |
Rosey |
Sissy |
Smokey Joe |
Sparkles |
Spence |
Diego |
BuddyBoy |
If you adopted an SFRA rescue that is waiting at Rainbow Bridge and would like to add his or her picture to this page, please send it to
This is from an SFRA adopter.
Reprinted with permission.
A Tribute to Amy
Jan 28 2008
Last night, after getting home from work, I had to do the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I had to decide whether my dog lived or died.
Amy was about 12 or 13. I’m not real sure because I adopted her through a Schnauzer rescue group. She was rescued from a shelter where she was sent to die after having served her owner for many years; giving him/her several litters of Miniature Schnauzer puppies. Once she was no longer useable for breeding, she was sent to die.
That’s the point where I got her. Amy lived a lot of her life in a crate so, consequently, she did not play. She didn’t fetch, or roll over or play tug-of-war with our other rescued Schnauzers. Amy just kinda lay around, ate the occasional offered dog biscuit and barked at cars. I just figured she deserved to just lay around and bark at cars and chase squirrels.
Amy was also a loving and watchful dog as evidenced by her habit of putting herself between my other dogs and strangers. She could be very aggressive and protective, but so very gentle. Amy was black, her fur soft as silk; her eyes, deep and black as night.
Amy ultimately would have died from congestive heart failure. She could have lasted another couple of days, maybe even three months. But in the emergency vets office, she was physically suffering. Her abdomen swollen from holding water brought on by her heart problem. Struggling to breathe, she looked at me; her eyes, begging for some relief. I was given the choice. I chose in Amy’s favor to end her suffering rather than prolong her agony through medication.
As the vet stood by with her final farewell I said my goodbye to Amy. Holding her, I could feel her warm body; her sorrowful eyes begging me to help her. As difficult as it was to say goodbye, I did not prolong it. I told the vet to get on with it. Holding Amy, her breaths coming on rapidly, then fading as quickly; she fell limp in my arms.
I can only hope that her time spent with me was far more pleasurable than the miserable life she no doubt had at the hands of unscrupulous breeders.
Goodbye Amy - I loved you so much. You were a good dog.
Jan 29, 2008
I woke up this morning calling for Molly, Amy and Gretchy. Then I remembered. Sigh.....
I did not think I would feel sorrow this deep.
Teresa and Bill
Amy |
Read Buddy's Tribute below
My rainbow bridge story for Buddy Boy:
I don't even know where to begin and I do not want to make this too long. Mark's beloved dog died shortly after we were married. It was very hard on both of us, especially Mark. I wasn't particularly interested in getting another dog but one night there I was, looking at a website of adoptable dogs. We probably looked at over 50 of them and when Buddy Boy popped up on the SFRA website, we both said "THAT's the one"!!!!
Buddy had a horrible start in life, no hair on his back or tail thanks to an abuser who left him sitting in his own waste and fleas. We later discovered Buddy must have been beaten, too, because when my husband would take off a shoe or belt after work Buddy would dodge under the bed. Gut wrenching!! And while Buddy certainly warmed up to all of our love and affection, there was always a "distrusting" look in his eyes.
We made the drive all the way to Sandusky, Ohio (about three hours, maybe more) from here and that's where we met Buddy's amazing foster mom, Kellie Barrett. When we walked, in Buddy had on a red collar, red leash and big red bow attached to the collar. It was clear how much Kellie loved him and cared about him!! I remember feeling so sorry for the little guy on that long car ride home. "Here we go again, what are THESE people gonna be like?”
Well, I can tell you, "these people" loved Buddy like a son and that dog was spoiled rotten!!! He was loved SO very much and received the best of everything we could ever offer him. He had his trials, though, too. Surgery to remove teeth and surgery to remove an ear. While it looked like he still had an ear, it was obvious the nerves were gone because that ear never "stood up" anymore. While he was in intensive care in Cincinnati (about 50 miles from us in Englewood) my husband, my dear sweet husband, drove down there to visit him every day.
I could go on for HOURS and I wish I could. Unfortunately, there was not a happy ending for any of us. Mark, (whom Buddy absolutely ADORED.....when Mark walked in the door every night after work he called out "BUDDY BOY!! MY PAL!!!") suffered a sudden and totally unexpected stroke in the early hours of January 8, 2007. We had just arrived home after taking possession of the new dream vacation home we had spent all of 2006 having built on the east coast. Mark went to bed and I fell asleep in the chair, later going to bed in one of the guest bedrooms so as not to disturb him. After falling fast asleep I was awakened by Buddy Boy frantically "jingling" his collar tags and pawing at me. Mark had fallen down on the floor with a stroke. Had it not been for Buddy Boy, who knows how long his "daddy" would have been there on the floor, in fear. It would have been HOURS before I got up for work.
Buddy Boy gave me those PRECIOUS, PRECIOUS few conscious hours that Mark had left!!! And not only that, my stepson was able to get here from Kentucky on time to talk to his dad before he went into a coma. Mark died on January 10, 2007. A part of Buddy went with him, I believe.
Buddy developed Canine Cognitive Disorder ("Alzheimers") this year.
On June 28, 2008, Buddy Boy went to Rainbow Bridge. I actually prefer to say "Heaven" because I feel that Buddy is now with Mark again. Mark KNEW that Buddy woke me up and said in the hospital "Buddy, my hero". Just goes to show that even the most down-trodden of dogs, the most abused, STILL know how to be loyal!!
I will never EVER forget my precious HERO DOG Buddy Boy!!! He gave me gifts that no one else ever has. And I will always love him for it. I hope these pics come through. They show the love Buddy and Mark had for each other.
Thank you and God Bless SFRA.
Love, Mary

MarshaEnglandMax |
Scruffy |
Cajun |
Barrett |
George |
In memorium of Max,
My faithful companion who was always loved and will be forever missed by all who knew him.
Loved by Marsha in Indiana

• In memory of Annie
My beloved Annie died unexpectantly at 6:40 a.m. on February 27, 2009. She and her adopted sister, Belle, came in from their daily morning walk at which point Annie collapsed and died on the living floor. The vets stated that she probably either suffered a heart attack or an aneurysm. It didn't appeared that she suffered as she had a peaceful expression on her face. She has been buried at the Pines Pet Cemetery in Lebanon, Ohio.
Annie's age was unknown but was thought to be about five years when adopted in 2002. June 30 was chosen as her birthday as this was the day she came into my life. She gave me almost seven years of joy and companionship. I will always remember the day when I picked her up from her foster home. She ran from the kitchen, into the living room, jumped into my lap and seemed to say, "let's go". She then jumped into the car, wagging her tail and again appeared to be saying, "I'm ready for my new home, new mom and new adventures". The first evening was spent at our neighborhood block party where she met her new neighbors and friends, both canine and human.
Annie was "only dog" for nine months until her adopted sister, Belle joined the family. After several months, Annie decided Belle could stay but still considered herself as "only dog". She later decided that she would have her own apartment on the second floor and never permitted Belle to come up the stairs. Annie was also in "7th Heaven" when riding in the car and from day one, was my back seat driver.
Annie didn't win the contest for the "dog with the waggiest tail" at the last two Schnauzer Fests but she was number one in my eye. She was beautiful, gentle, patient and loyal and is sorely missed. One day we will meet in a joyous reunion and will cross the Rainbow Bridge together.
In memory of Cajon.
Cajun was SFRA's very first rescue, he was 14 1/2 years old and we were honored to have him be Grand Marshall of our Rescue Parade at our 10 year anniversary celebration at SchnauzerFest 2006
Cajun.. the name perfectly describes the spicy, but likeable black mini schnauzer my husband brought back to the Philadelphia area from Schnauzer Friends for Rescue and Adoption (SFRA) in Cincinnati, OH. SFRA was founded in 1996 by mini-schnauzer lovers and has rescued, fostered and helped find new homes for hundreds of schnauzers. Cajun is extra special to SFRA because he was the first schnauzer they rescued and he was adopted by us the day after he was relinquished by his former owner. He was an omen of good luck for future dogs being helped by SFRA! Like so many animals that need new homes, Cajun’s original mom had good intentions when she made that impulse purchase of the cute puppy at the shopping center pet store. But as her career became more demanding, he got less of her attention and spent more time in his crate and being tolerated by people that didn’t want to take care of him. His owner recognized he was not receiving the attention and love he craved and made the important decision to give him up for adoption. At just under 2 years of age, he was introduced to his new home with us and we quickly learned of his severe separation anxiety and need to please.
We were lucky in that he was housebroken (what a relief!), knew how to walk on a leash and understood the command “sit”. Within several days of his adoption, Cajun learned several other key things. First, it was necessary for him to learn a new name. His call name had been Max, the same as our resident 6 year old schnauzer. So in sticking with his given name of Maxwell the Cajun Rogue, he became known as Cajun. Patrick also taught him what turned out to be our little guys favorite trick … giving a big hug! But that was the end of formally learning new things for a very long time.
Life merrily went on for nine years until we got another schnauzer puppy, Slammer. We decided this time we were going to seek professional help in training the pup and that a positive training approach was required. We spoke with our vet and did internet searches, finally deciding our vet knew best and that the Dog Training Club of Chester County (DTCCC) was the place to go. DTCCC offered us the basic training we wanted for our new puppy. But what we quickly learned was that it also offered training opportunities for our then 11+ year old Cajun. So Cajun and I merrily went to six weeks of refresher and new skills taught in the “Canine Community College” class. He was happy to again be receiving one-on-one attention from me and was a great student. For me it was interesting to be working beside young and old dogs, many of whom were recently adopted.
It was during our classes at DTCCC that we learned about the AKC Canine Good citizen (CGC) program. Everything about the CGC program was appealing. Learn and demonstrate ten (only 10) basic skills that help make your dog a welcome member of the community. I was determined that Slammer, the puppy, would train for and pass the CGC test. And since I was doing the work with Slammer, I figured it was only fair to include Cajun. Slammer, Cajun and I attended the CGC prep class training sessions, practiced at home and I registered both dogs for an upcoming test at DTCCC.
The day of reckoning had approached and we were to take the test that would determine how well the dogs and I had learned our lessons. I showed up with both dogs at our designated time; the young, vibrant puppy and the mellow old man that we’d rescued so many years earlier. Completing the test was my affirmation that it’s possible to “teach an old dog new tricks”. Cajun passed the test with flying colors, giving me his full attention at every instruction. The young guy, Slammer, didn’t do so well and we had to get in a lot more practice in order to pass the test that was so easy for “my old man schnauzer”. Cajun proudly wore his Canine Good Citizen tag on his collar for the next four years.
This is written in memory of Maxwell the Cajun Rogue, our wonderful adopted mini schnauzer that passed away on October 19, 2008, two weeks shy of his 14th birthday. The day before his passing, Cajun happily ate treats as he’d put his paws on the agility mini-teeter totter and stepped over the agility jump bars laying on the ground. Slammer turned out to be a “canine good citizen” and has continued his studies at DTCCC. He trains and competes in agility and flyball, is learning canine freestyle (dancing) with his clumsy mother and has participated in many fun classes such as “tricks and clicks” and “scent basics”. Slammer is now the big brother to Prowler, a 16 month old high energy mini schnauzer that has attended many basic manner classes and is starting his dog sports training career with the initial focus on agility. Prowler, too, will take the CGC test and proudly wear the tag once when he has mastered the material. Particularly challenging is sitting when we greet another dog/handler team. But I know we’ll get there through the positive training at DTCCC.
Submitted by Barbara Donahue
This is Cajun’s story and it started more than 12 years ago. My husband, Patrick, and I are partial to mini schnauzers for some very practical reasons- they don’t shed, they are small enough we can easily carry them when necessary, they’re smart, friendly, have attitude, and they are great watch dogs. And (most of the time) we simply love their personality. We were sharing our life with Max, a mini schnauzer obtained from a prominent breeder. We are pet people and decided it was time to shake things up and add another dog to the household. But this time we wanted to adopt from a rescue organization. For more than two years, no mini schnauzers were to be found in the Philadelphia area, so I expanded my search to the Midwest, where the breed is more popular. And we struck gold!
Cajun-christmas |
George |
In memory of George
George, loved by Jan and Mickey J.--Thelma is missing George, but doing well. George on the left.
Carrie |
Felix |
Archie |
Rambo aka Tony |
Conner |
Loved by Lisa
Loved by Frank and Shelley
Loved by Joan V.
Loved by Chris
and Ann C.
Frankie |
Gus |
Pebbles |
Peggie Sue |
Finnegan |
Loved by the Pezdeks
Loved by the Dawsons
Loved by the Millers
Loved by the Gilbs
Loved by the J. Thigpen
Samson |
Chloe |
Essie |
Clarkson |
Loved by M. Haritos
Loved by the Hetler-Harrigan Family
Loved by the Bias Family
We lost JET to cancer in November 2012. He came from SFRA 7 years ago at age 4. His housemate, AMADEUS, lost his sight several years age and until we lost AMADEUS, Jet watched over him and kept him safe. They are now together on the Bridge with Bridget, Mandy, and Chelsey who went ahead of them. Jet left Brody behind and he looks for him every day. We think of all 5 of them as not gone, just gone ahead. The Fridays.
Jet |
Loved by the Bias Family
Loved by the Binions
Loved by the Roberts Family
Loved by The Moore Family
Archie |
Casey |
Chaney |
Duffy |
Esmerelda |
Felix |
Finnegan |
Fiona |
Lucky Lou |
Mr. Bentley |
Pa Pa |
Robbie |
Rusty aka Vinnie |
Schatzie |
Sierra - Loved by D. Lowe |
Waverly |
Tosh - Loved by the Spicer Family |
Sparkie - Loved by the Mathias' |
Yoda - Loved by Nikki N. |
Peanut - Loved by Tencree C. |
Lele - Loved by Kim Leahy |
Morgen Lane |
Lily - Loved by R. Petiya |
Cece - Loved by The Kalehers |
Loved by K. Struthers
Dixie - Loved by The Bennetts |
Stella - Loved by L. Mauthe |
Rest in Peace Schultz
Feb. 2016
Just a little before noon, residents at the Rainbow Bridge began hearing a strange, unidentifiable noise closing in from afar. Debate ranged on whether it was a new emergency warning system being tested, a pack of coyotes who had somehow ingested helium, or some alien life form. As the sound grew louder and a hazy outline appeared on the horizon, one of the Bridge's newest residents, a small salt and pepper schnauzer with an uncanny resemblance to a miniature donkey, looked up from the 24/7 dog biscuit buffet and began racing toward the bridge. Spinning in right-turn-only circles, she was noted to be shouting over and over, "It's him! He's here!" Just about that time a black schnauzer with impressively huge ears and a jaunty spring to his step crossed the bridge. The little one kept spinning, which the big one seemed to take for granted, and quickly exclaimed, "What took you so long?!? They don't make you take baths. They don't get mad if you rip holes in your toys and spread the stuffing all over the place. AND there's food all the time. Once I found out that part, I sort of stopped exploring." Just then a large, tailess squirrel appeared seemingly out of nowhere and ran past the pair. In unison, they both shrieked, "NUB!!!" As they set off in chase and disappeared from sight, the little one was heard to say, "And I bet this time we catch him before he gets to the fence." And yes, they probably will. Because this is, after all, Dog Heaven.
---The Eiler Family, SFRA Adopters
Rest in Peace Waylon
June 2016
Waylon never found his forever home. Unless, you count his foster family as his forever home. You see, he spent many months living with foster parents Mike and Susan while searching for a forever home. During that time, Waylon was diagnosed with an inoperable bladder cancer. So, he lived his time left with those that loved him the most. He is great missed -- his soulful brown eyes, his sweet expression, his tender nature, and loving hugs. Run free, my man, run free.
M. Thornberg for his loss of Murphy |
The Slazyk Family on their loss of Charlie |
• Sympathies to The Oyler Family on their loss of Rex
• Sympathies to The Miller Family for their loss of Snickers
• Sympathies to The Ray Family for their loss of Mr. Fritz
• Sympathies to The Pezdek Family for their loss of Jonesy
• Sympathies to The Anderson Family for their loss of Rocky
• In memory of Elmo, loved by Margie L.
• In memory of Casey (Sidney)
• In memory of Cincy Sam
• In memory of Pat and Anna's Muffin
• In memory of The Jenks Family's Sebastian
• In memory of Charlene's Annie
• In memory of Elwood
• In memory of Joseph
• In memory of Crickett Ann-Loved by T&C Lenehan
• In memory of Boomer-Loved by J. Perry
• In memory of Onyx-Loved by The Ekbergs
• In memory of Molly, loved by the Brawners
• In memory of Baxter, loved by Jan
• In memory of Doc, loved by the Hughes Family
• In memory of CB (Max), Loved by the Stahleys
• In memory of Gus, Loved by the Dawsons
• Sympathies to Melanie D. for loss of Honeydew.
• Sympathies to D. Malloy on the passing of her Hydi
• In memory of Casper P. Cassidy, loved by the Meyer Family
• Sympathies to the Binion Family for their loss of Ripley.
• In memory of Bentley, loved by the Bennetts.
• In memory of Abby Lee & Maggie, loved by C. McDermott
• In memory of Justice, loved by the McQuinniff family
• In memory of Ryder
• Gretchen, loved by The Kilgores
• Nikki, loved by the Anderson Family
• Maggie, loved by G. Lamothe
• Sympathies to the Anderson family for their loss of Rocky
• The Spicer Family on their loss of Nugget
• Sympathies to the Cooley Family for their loss of Minnie
Cody - Loved by the Lusignolos |
Tucker |
Opal, Loved by the Riall Family |
Nelson, Loved by the
Reydak-Telesnicky Family
Piper, Loved by the Caffrey Family |
Darby, Loved by the Pezdeks |
Beasley, Loved by the Lach Family |
Sympathies to the Bias family
on their loss of Bella
Sympathies to the Moskal Family on their loss of Sadie