A Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Organization
Our Successful Adoptions
Phoebe PK Pursell Rafter
Phoebe PK Pursell Rafter
Rally RD Rex Riot
Rally RD Rex Riot
Rizzo Robbie Robo Rocco
Rizzo Robbie Robo Rocco
Rosey Russ Russ Rusty aka Vinnie
Rosey Russ Russ Rusty aka Vinnie
Sarah Lee Schatzie Schultz and Gabby Scooter and Angela
Sarah Lee Schatzie Schultz and Gabby Scooter and Angela
Morty Mozart2 Mr. Bentley
Morty Mozart2 Mr. Bentley
Ms. Izzabelle Ms. Vegas Muffett Murphy
Ms. Izzabelle Ms. Vegas Muffett Murphy
Murphy Natasha Nick Nickles
Murphy Natasha Nick Nickles
Nikki Oliver Ozzie Pa Pa
Nikki Oliver Ozzie Pa Pa
Peanut Pebbles Peggie Sue Pepper
Peanut Pebbles Peggie Sue Pepper
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and is NOT associated with any other
Cincinnati-based rescue organization.

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