A Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Organization
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and is NOT associated with any other
Cincinnati-based rescue organization.

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Success Story of Davern Chester
October 2008

I don't know how I found your website, but luckily for us (me, my husband, and son), I did. We had been wanting a mini for a couple of years. My son, Connor, had his name already picked out. We watched your website for a while, just looking at all the adorable rescues. We wanted a mini around two or so years old and black. In November of 2004, we were looking at the rescues and saw "Mr.Jim". He was only four months old and salt and pepper, but we fell in love with his picture. We put in an application for adoption. "Mr. Jim", now named Chester, was brought to our home to see if we all liked each other, and the rest is History. He has been a wonderful companion for all of us. He provides us with so much entertainment, we don't know what we did before he came to live with us. He's a very smart dog and learns fast, so he know lots of tricks and is very polite. I can go on and on about Chester, but I will keep it short and sweet.

Thank you for doing such a great job with finding these rescues homes. We are very grateful. Chester is truly a joy.

Thank you,

Dawn, Hebron, KY